33 yrs old male with some teeth irregularities. CLIN HISTORY: non healing anal fissure, oral infections (post extraction of teeth), mediastinitis. EPISODE 1: In 2018 bone marrow biopsy taken: MDS-EB1. CD34+ blasts elevated 7-8% and visible in IH. Molecular: Karyotype normal. No defining AML mutations found. Clin: Fever, oral ulcerations, in flow/aspirate: MDS changes + ~8% blasts: CD45+ dim; CD34+; CD38+ het; CD117+ het; HLADR+ CD13+ CD33+ CD11c+ het; cMPO+ het; CD5+ dim; CD7+ dim; CD4/CD11b/CD14/CD36/CD56/CD64/sCD3/cCD79a(-). TREATMENT: transfusions only. EPISODE 2: After treatment another threpine was taken with DIAMETRALLY other picture: expansile NASDE+ immature atypical granulopoiesis with depressed or extinct erythros and megas (as in AML cases). But IH anonymous: MPO+ immature granulopoiesis with majority WT1 (++), CD99(+/++); p53 (+++); CMYC(++/+++) 70%; ERG1 (+++) 100%; CD2(-); CD30(-); CD14(-); CD15(-); CD2/CD5(-); CD56(-); CD4(-); CD11c(-). FLOW: to be contd (NO DEFINITE BLASTS in the window, but immunophenotype atypical); ~32% young, myeloid cells with abberrant phenotype: CD45+dim, CD34-/+dim (nonspec), CD13+, CD33-/+dim, CD11a+het, CD15+het, CD38+het, HLA-DR-/+ partial, CD56+dim, CD99+dim, CD123+dim, CD133-/+dim, cMPO+ strong, CD7-/+ dim (nonspec?), CD117-, CD11b-, CD14-, CD36-, CD64-, CD96-, CD2-, NG2-, TdT-. Not expressing blastic promyelocytic Ags (CD117), abberrantly express CD56, CD99, abberrantly diminished maturation Ags CD33, CD64. Additionally ~5,8% CD34+/CD117+ abberrant myeloblasts. PB: WBC (*10^9/l) 1,17 (4,0-9,8) NEU (*10^9/l) 0,10 (1,5-6,0) RBC (*10^12/l) 3,00 (Male 4,3-5,8) HgB (g/l) 90 (Male 128-160) Plt (x10^9/l) 52 (140-450) VULSK aspirate: Blasts (threpine) 7,5 Blastai (marrow.) 5,0 Siderocytes and sideroblasts 30%, ringed ones 8. MOLECS: Complex karyotype (7 abberations): 3q, 5q, 6p, 7q deletions, 8 trisomy, 19 monosomy and 15q duplication. Bad prognostic group. Telomere length NORMAL. Chromosome breakage: NO. NGS TSM: TP53 c.857A>C (p.Glu286Ala) mutation. 2 pathogenic mutations of SBDS gene found (Schwachman Diamond anemia): to be more specified soon. DIAGNOSTIC QUESTIONS: 1. How interpret EPISODE 2 (AML? Immaturity? No MDS features; depressed mega/erythro) especially comparing with "classic" MDS EB1 in EPISODE 1. 2. Do immunophenotype CD99+ WT1+ ERG1+p53+CMYC+ only is specific/enough for " NASDE+ BLASTS"/AML or possible in "immature" inherited SD hematopoiesis? ThankYou.
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Last modified: 2019-07-02 10:41:49