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Ependymoma (399904)
Subtitle: Astroblastoma ?
2012-01-03 14:47
INCTR - Pathology Anglophone Africa
F  11
10 years  back  operation of  a   brain tumor (diagnosis not  available). Asymptomatic  for   9  years. Now  seizures.
Operative  findings:  tumor   fronto-temporal invading the  dura.
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2012-01-03 21:51
I think this is a meningeal tumor with solid, microcystic and pseudopapillary parts which are composed of spindle-shaped eosinophilic cells, atypical cells and giant cells. The morphology is in my view compatible with a papillary meningioma (WHO G3) as a rare variant of meningiomas with brain invasion and an unfavorable prognosis.
2012-01-04 05:05
Thanks ! I try to do vimentin and come back.
2012-01-08 14:12
I agree that the images look most like a meningioma, parts of which have a papillary architecture. I can't resolve the morphology well enough to see whether or not the tumour is mitotically active, as I'd expect of a papillary meningioma. IHC for EMA may be helpful (usually membrane labelling of meningiomas and dot-like cytoplasmic labelling of ependymomas) and I'd expect this not to contain GFAP, whereas ependymomas almost always expres this antigen.
Last modified: 2012-01-03 14:54:02