PATIENT: 70-year-old male
CLINICAL HISTORY: persistent fatigue, weight loss, febrile fever, heavy sweating for 5 months. CLINICAL EXAMINATION: Hepatopslenomegaly, lymphadenopathy. PET-CT scan: diffuse and focal FDG uptake in bone marrow, lymph nodes (left axillary, suprarenal and paraaortic), foci in liver and spleen. LAB WORKUP: Pancytopenia, LDH 535 (U/L) (N <250 (U/L)). HISTO: Trephine biopsy: diffuse and focal infiltrate, composed of: •Small lymphocytes CD2/CD3/CD5, CD4+, CD8(-), PD1+ >ICOS+. •Vaguely clustered B population of small/medium-sized and giant cells CD20/CD79a+, Bcl6+ > Pax5+, BOB1/OCT2+, CD10/CD30/CD15/EMA/MUM1(-); EBER(-). •CD68+ macrophages. •Absent FDC (CD23/CD21-). Lymph node: •Small monotonous CD5/CD2/CD7+, CD4+, CD8(-), PD1+ > ICOS+ lymphocyte infiltrate between abundant hyaline deposits. •Small foci of extranodal extension. •Absent giant cells, sparse/focal CD20/PAX5+ lymphocytes. •Absent FDC (CD23/CD21-). Clonal IGH profile, non-clonal IGK/IGL/TCR profile in BM infiltrate. Non-clonal IG and TCR profile in lymph node infiltrate. PROPOSED DDIAGNOSIS: NHL “T lymphocyte rich with large B cells”. Probable diagnosis: AITL > vs NLP HL?
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Last modified: 2020-10-03 16:38:33