54 yrs male with clin. dgn.:"lymphoma".
SESSION 1: Threpine biopsy was performed. BM HISTO: In NASDE slides some central and peritrabdecular lymphoid infiltrates are obvious. IH: Infiltrates CD20>>CD3 (reactivity od CD3 is low!); CD30+ cells are absent. Ki67 is very low (single cells +). PROPOSAL: B lymphoid infiltration, highly supspitious for NHL (low grade?)? SESSION 2: L/N HISTO: Diffuse infiltration (WITH SOME NODULARITY- dr.A.Orazzi note) of medium- large sized cells with high proliferative activity, bluish cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with CB and IB like morphology. Single Eo's, plasma cells and prominent admixture of T lympho's (CD5/CD3+) are present. L/N IH: Large "blasts": CD20 (+), Ki 67 (+) up to 70%, MUM 1/BCL-6(+) 5-10%, Bcl2 (+)30% (admixture of Bcl2+ lymphos), CD30/EBV LMP1/CD34/TDT(-), CyclinD1(-)(single nuclei, most probably histyocytic, +). The single plasmacytes (CD138+). PROPOSAL: DLBCL vs ...? SPECIAL QUESTIONS: 1. Low Mum1/Bcl6+ fraction as for DLBCL? 2. BM interpretation in the light of LN data. Molecular monoclonality studies are pending on L/N. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND HELP.
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Last modified: 2006-08-17 17:47:58