80 yrs woman with lymph node biopsy.
HISTO: Vaguelly nodular infiltrate of large CD20+ cells with prominent CD3+ reaction (DLBCL quality), imitating histollogically T lymphoma pattern (angiocentricity). IH: CD20(+) 100%, CD79a(+) 100%, Ki67 low (20%), CD43/CD3/CD5(-), Mum1(+) 5% (weak), Bcl6(+) 80%, CD10(+) 70%, CyclinD1(-), Ig kappa/lambda(+/++)(polytypical), IgM(++) 100%, IgD(-), CD23(+/++) 70%, Bcl2(+/++) 90%. PENDING: CD21, EBV, CD30... PROPOSAL: DLBCL Bcl6+ CD10+ Mum1- vs low grade B?. SPECIAL QUEST: 1. Low proliferative activity and large caliber. 2. CD23 expression in the large cells. Thank you for participating.
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Last modified: 2008-04-11 11:12:42