85 yrs male with 3x2,6x1,6 cm node biopsy with suspition of NHL.
HISTO: NODULAR (sic!) architecture with anaplastic/large cell content and B phenotype. IH: LCA+ 100%, CD20+ 100%, PAX5+ 100%, BOB1+ 100%, Oct2+ 100%, CD30+, CD15-, Mum1+ 40%, Bcl6+ 60%, Bcl2+, CD21+ 30% (and FDC), CD10-, Ki67+ 90%, CD23- (rest of FDC+). MOLECS: ND. PROPOSAL: DLBCL, anplastic variant (nodular subtype). DX: FL G3. Paraphrase: previous CHL-DLBCL "grey" case: https://www.ipath-network.com/inctr/object/view/577077
Last modified: 2014-07-07 09:41:33