STORY: 49 yrs old male with 2013 diagnosed T/H rich LBCL in lymph node (photos).
Treated R-CHOP-14 up to 2014 April. Progression in 2 months: small lymph node and BM (photos). Administered DHAP chemo.
HISTO: Vaguelly nodular pattern with sattelite encapsulated nodules, focal Ma enriched pattern, obliterated sinuses. Population heterogenous: small- medium T lymphos (pleomorphic as usual), plasmacytes, scattered medium- large cells CD20+ (in part CD30+).
HISTO BM: Focal lymphohistiocytic infiltrate: CD3+ dominant with scattered CD20 cells and CD68+ histiocytes.
IH: Retained focally CD21/CD23+ FDC networks, creating nodular architecture (contra T/H rich LBCL). Scattered EBER+ cells (probably B). CD3+ back with interstitial clusters of CD20+ CD30+ CD79a+ Pax5+ BOB1/Oct2+ LCA+ B cells.
MOLECS: TCR gama clonal in polyclonal back; IgH/K and TCR beta polyclonal.
NOW: restaging threpine: In BM haemophagocytosis and slight interstitial T lymphocytic infiltration only (not included there).
PROPOSAL: T NHL (AILT?) with prominent reaction of epithelioid histiocytes vs original diagnosis (T/H rich LBCL: pure or from NLP HL).