71 yrs old male with RIGHT iguinal (fragmented) LN biopsy. On PET sacan: positive RIGHT inguinal area+ some positivity in LEFT tonsil/neck LN. Aspirate FLOW (BM)L negative. No leukaemia present. FIRST LOOK IMPRESSION: As transformed into blastoid conventional MCL. HISTO: Binnary architecture with irregular FDC suported PALE nodules of higher ~3b grade, surounded by smaller "MCL like" DARK lower grade (1-2-3a) population (dispersed larger cells from nodules). Immunoprofile 1 (HIGH GRADE/PALE): CD20+ > CD22+; Bcl2+; CD43+; CD10+; Bcl6+; IgM+; p27(-); CyclinD1/Sox11/CD21/CD23/IgD(-); Ki67 index high up to 90%. Immunoprofile 2 (LOWER GRADE/DARK): CD20+ > CD22+; Bcl2+; CD43+; p27+; Bcl6(-); IgM+; CD10+; CyclinD1/Sox11/CD21/CD23/IgD(-); Ki67 prolif. index 20%; BCL2 (18q21) break absent, but POSSIBLE 18p amplification (in both components). Bcl6 break: PENDING. DIFFERENCES IH: DARK SMALL: p27+; Bcl6(-); Ki67 lower; LARGE PALE: Bcl6+; p27(-); Ki67 higher. PROPOSAL: Follicular lymphoma (binnary, follicular and diffuse) in lymph node. SOME INTERESTING FEATURES: IH difference (p27-Bcl6 split) and "interfollicular"/diffuse component lower grade than nodular one. ThankYouForContinous Support. All dot links are safe.
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Last modified: 2019-06-17 15:22:26