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Spleen and lymph nodes (350021)
Spleen and lymph nodesnew
2011-01-29 08:24
INCTR - EBMWG Hematopathology Online
M/53 yrs, acute abdominal pain,    

Piece of omentum and spleen received, no other clinical details, images from omentum ( fig 1 to 7), images from spleen (fig 8 to 16) and from lymph nodes from perisplenic fat( fig 17 to 25)


Omentu shows non specific necroinflammatory process, spleen shoes follicular hyperplasia and LN shows reactive changes with few binucleated cells.





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2011-01-31 09:32
In agree with you that the cahnges are reactive. Nevertheless there is a follicular hpyerplasia of the withe pulp and a histiocytic reaction in the red pulp; the latter needs further consideration for specific infectious process - please stain the specimen fo figures 8-10 with PAS, Giemsa and Grocott. Please indicate spleen weight and size!
2011-01-31 14:35
Lymphoid tissues of spleen an lymphnodes show marked reactive changes, so does the splenic pulp and omentum. Image 1 shows a dilated blood vessel containing partly necrotic thrombotic material, I am not sure if necrotic tumor can be excluded. Could you please provide some high power images from this area. Did you see similar changes in other areas ?
2011-01-31 22:45
I agree with the above comments and have nothing further to add.
2011-02-11 23:41
Giemsa, PAS images and more images from omentum added
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Last modified: 2011-01-29 08:24:06