69 yrs old male underwent lateral neck node biopsy. Threpine with nodular/focal involvement of lymphoma (below)(not included in photos). HISTO: on the slides: nodular infiltration of small/medium T cells with CD3+ CD10+ phenotype in the outer part of irregular follicles and in between. Small interfollicular irregular area of infiltration is present. Sinuses obliterated fully. IH: tumoral T population: CD5(-), CD3/CD2/CD7(+++)100%; CD4(+/+++)70%; CD8(+++)30%; Ki67(++/+++) 50%; EBV-LMP1 /EBERsingle cells +; CD10 (+/+++)50%; Granzym B (-)(probably reactive CD8+ pool +); CD20+ small/medium lymphos displaced by CD3+ nodules. CD23/CD21 nodular FDC proliferations. PROPOSAL: T angioimunoblastic lymphoma (AILT) (with "follicular" pattern in part (70%) vs PTCL, NOS (follicular in part). Thankyouforyourinput.
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