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TCHR LBCL (373893) » Ki67 b.jpg
Filename: Ki67 b.jpg

50 yrs old female underwent right inguinal lymph node biopsy. CT: lymphadenopathy inguinal and in the pelvis, hepatomegaly present. Tonsilitis (resected) and nodular erythema diagnosed in 2006. Threpine biopsy taken: in progress.


HISTO: Large CD20+ Oct2+ EBER(-) cells in T cell background with admixture of CD68+ macrophages and medium sized B lymphos.


IH:  CD20(+++) 100%, CD30(+) 10% (faint), LCA(+)100%,CD79a(+++) 100%  Oct2(+++)100%, CyclinD1(-), CD10(-), Bcl6(++) 100% , Bcl2(+++) 100% , Mum1(+/++) 30%, CD138(-).
Multipe CD3+ lymphos and small/medium CD20+ lymphos. CD23/CD21+ FDC network absent. Multiple CD68+ macrophages.


PROPOSED DIAGNOSIS: T cell histiocyte reach large B cell lymphoma in the lymph node.


SPECIAL QUEST: The quantification (and IH difference) of scattered B blasts: the border between ordinar DLBCL and TCHR LBCL.



Sender: ugnius
2011-07-05 16:04
INCTR - EBMWG Hematopathology Online

Last modified: 2011-07-05 16:04:30