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Sarcoid like forreign body reaction, in a patient on dialysis (3961)
Sarcoid like forreign body reaction, in a patient on dialysisclosed
Subtitle: B07-28987
lymph node
2007-10-24 09:46
INCTR - EBMWG Hematopathology Online
44yrs old male with systemic lymhadenopathy and renal failure (under dialysis). Renal biopsy unsatisfactory: with signs of interstitial nephritis and oxalate crystals.  
HISTO: INGUINAL Lymph node with granulomatous "sarcoid" type granulomas woth crystaline inclussions.  
PROPOSED VERSIONS: 1. Sarcoidosis (clinically not veryfied). 2. Foreign body granulomatous lymphadenitis: intravenous injections? Other materials?  
Thank you for collaboration.
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2007-10-24 17:27
I consider sarcoid - type foreignbody reaction as most likely . The inclusions have a certain "talkum" appearance and not the usual Ca-carbonate structure of Schaumann or Conchoid bodies. One has , however to keep in mind that foreign body reactions in Sarcoidosis may get a sarcoid character and by attributing this reaction to foreign bodies Sarcoidosis is not excluded.
2007-10-24 18:43
I would also favor freign body reaction... particularly in the face of dialysis.
2007-10-25 08:25
Thank you. Nobody can explain for a moment the cause of renal insufficiency...
2007-10-25 08:36
dear ugnius: where has the lymph node biopsy been taken?
2007-10-25 08:45
Appologies: INGUINAL.
2007-10-27 01:20
renal biopsy should be considered if it is not done so far  
in sarcoidosis granulamatous lesions can affect kidneys leading to renal insuficiency
2007-10-30 18:55
[comment sent by email]
I would like to suggest consideration of granulomatous inflammation secondary to hemodialysis. Reports in the literature indicate that this occurs in lymph nodes, bone marrow, and other sites due to accumulation of dextran, silicone, and other unspecified substances. References: Bommer J, Waldherr R, Ritz E. Silicone filings in macrophages of viscera: an iatrogenic complication of haemodialysis. Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc. 1981;18:731-5.; Stejskalová A, Stejskal J, Elleder M.Iatrogenic generalized storage of dextran in patients on regular dialysis. Czech Med. 1987;10(4):201-16.; Bergonzi G, Paties C, Vassallo G, Zangrandi A, Poisetti PG, Ballocchi S, Fontana F, Scarpioni L. Dextran deposits in tissues of patients undergoing haemodialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1990;5(1):54-8.; Krempien B, Bommer J, Ritz E. Foreign body giant cell reaction in lungs, liver and spleen. A complication of long term haemodialysis. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol. 1981;392(1):73-80.
2007-10-31 08:19
Thank you for the comments. Unfortunatelly, we cannot explain the renal problem with the node histology only:)
2007-12-14 17:35
Thanks to everybody involved in the discussion of this case.  
Please regard Dr.Farhi's comment as the final diagnosis.
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Last modified: 2007-10-24 09:46:41