46 yrs female with isolated axillary left sided single node lymphadenopathy (6cm).
HISTO: Lymphoethelioma like carcinoma (LELC) mts (CK7+; CK5+ p63(-) EBER- and MSS) with abberant RCC+ Hepa+. Intratumoral lymphocytes (TILs). IH FULL: CK7(+/+++) 80%; CK5(++/+++) 100%; HER2(-); ER/PR(-); MsH6(+/++) 60%; MsH2(+/+++) 90%; MlH1(+/++) 70%; PMS2(+/+++) 90%; CK20/p63(-); GCDFP15/CDX2/TTF1(-); Ki67 80% (++); CK14(-); EMA(+++) 100%; CD5(-); CD117(+)5%; p504s(-); Hepa (+++) 30%; Vimentin (+++) 60%; RCC(+++) 40%; WT1(-); Muc2/MucAC/Muc6(-); p504s(-); Synaptophysin (-); WT1(-); CD10(-). SPECIAL QUEST: Possible primary (Breast > Lung > GI tract > other)? Virtual slides sometimes requires username ONLY: please type: guest without password. Annotations
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Last modified: 2012-06-14 10:58:27