22 yrs old female underwent DC procedure with suspition of acute oophoritis and endometritis.
HISTO: 1. Signs of chronic bleeding (siderin). 2. single multinucleated cells (megas?).3. Microscopic focus with DLBCL quality.
IH: CD20+ Bcl6+ Ki67 up to 100% Bcl2/CD10(?)(exhausted block). Ig kappa slightly > Ig lambda.
PCR: CLONAL on IgL kappa.
PROPOSAL: Difusse large B cell lymphoma?. NOTE: Treatment underlying infection (chlamydia?), full hemato-evaluation, re-biopsy.
SPECIAL QUEST: minimal nidus+ clonality= malignancy?
NOTE: We have had single case of full blown DLBCL in endometrium without treatment and without progression. This case is third. The second was similar, but with IgH clonality.