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Bone Marrow trephine bx (649551)
Bone Marrow trephine bxnew
2015-05-01 19:44
INCTR - EBMWG Hematopathology Online
M/30 yrs, clinically - pancytopenia,?Aplastic Anemia, B/M aspirate - dry tap, CBC total WBC - 3680/cumm, RBC - 1.3 x 10(12)/L, HB 5.0 gm%, Platelet - 5000/cumm, Neutro - 26%, Lympho - 64%, Mono - 6%, Eo - 4%, S. Ferittin - 1068 mcg/L (N 30-400), Stron - 54 umol/L (N 14-32), Transferrin - 25mg/L (N 180 - 329), MP - Negative, Folate/VitB12 - normal, PT/PTT - WNL, ESR - 90mm/hr, CRP - 58mg/L, RBCs on blood film - normochromic normocytic
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2015-05-04 18:35
this is not an aplastic anemia. please stain for cytotoxic markers, look for linearity of T-cell infiltration, for CD5 antigenic loss and LGL cells in the peripheral blood. carefully conduct the previous medication anamnesis. quantify and characterize the plasma cells.
Last modified: 2015-05-04 15:44:43