30 yrs male was diagnosed skin mycosis fungoides (follicular mucinosis type) in the face skin in Sptember 2009. Previously throid papillary carcinoma pT2 was resected in May 2007. Recently the dext testis was removed due to suspition of malignant tumor.
HISTO (last episode): prominent necrosis and haemorhages are present. In periphery tubules with interstitial T infiltrate were seen with prominent LARGE B CELL peri- and intra- tubular thropism. CLINICALLY: Any signs of systemic disease. Inf parotitis serology NEGATIVE. The lession was strongly unilateral. IH: Large cells with tubulothropism: CD20 (+++)/CD79(++) large blastoid cell (IB) up to 30% population with tubulothropism: TdT/CD34(-), Pax5(++)100%, Bcl6(++)10%, CD10/Bcl2(-), Mum1(+/+++) 60%, CD30(++) 20%. Ki67 ~80% (in general population ~30%). CD3/CD2(+++) (citopl. r-ja) T lymphos eith irregular/cleaved nuclei up to 70% populiation: Bcl2(++) 80%, TdT(-), CD7/CD5(+++) 70%, CD4(+++) 60% (+++), CD8 40% (+++), GranzymB/Perforin(+)5%, TIA1 30% (+++), EBV LMP1(-), CD56/CD57(+)<5%. single CD138+ plazmocitai. Multiple CD68+ macrophages in stroma and within tubules. CONV PHOTOS: Enclosed. VIRTUAL: Enclosed. MOLECS: TESTIS: 1st round: B IgH/IgK clonal and T gama clonal, T beta polyclonal (not enough material). 2. Second round: TCR beta clonal, TCR gama ir delta polyclonal, IGH/IGK/IGL polyclonal. The result is ambiguous. SKIN: pending. PROPOSAL: B pseudolymphoma, maybe virus induced necrotic-haemorhagic orchitis vs ???. QUEST: Incorporation of all findings. Thank you for collaboration.
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Last modified: 2009-02-21 18:34:02