Patient:Aijoni saikia
UHID -- 78365, 20/04/18
Male or Female: female
Age: 35 yrs
Clinical information:
severe anaemia, HB 2.9gm/dl, pcv 8.1%, TC 4470/-, DLC- P-55%, L38%, M-04%,E- 01%, PLT- 1.1L/Cumm, MCV- 117.4 fl, MCH- 42pg, MCHC-359gm/l, RBC- 0.69millions/cumm
PBs shows severe hypochromia, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, macrocytes,polychromatic RBCs. WBC series appears normal in morphology. Pl. less than adequeate. No immature cells seen.
Question: Bone marrow study had been done after 1 unit of blood, total 7 units blood given, still after 20 days HB has come down to 4.6 on 09/05/18.