Welcome to the iPath-Network

iPath-Network is a web application service offered by www.ipathnetwork.org gGmbH. The aim of this service is to offer a hosted and supported platform by Basys Data Company Basel based on the open source collaboration platform iPath which was originally developed at the University of Basel. If you are interested in using a system based on iPath but if you do not want to take care of all the technical details involved in running your own webserver then please drop us a line.

iPath is a case based collaboration platform which is used in telemedicine application to share information within a distributed group of people. It is being used in the domains of "consultation", "teaching" and "research".


Unplanned maintainance
There has been some unplanned maintainance of the database and the iPath Server, which has caused some problems during the last few days. The server should now be running as expected again.
Migration of iPath 2.0 to a new provider
Dear User, As already announced on the homepage on February 27th 2023, the iPath platform (hereinafter: iPath) can no longer be hosted by the previous provider (BASYS DATA). To ensure the continued existence of iPath, the iPath Telemedicine Network was founded on May, 29th 2017 as a non-profit, liable company (iPath Telemedicine Network gGmbH; https://www.ipathnetwork.org; hereinafter: iPath-gGmbH). For the above reason of discontinued hosting by BASYS DATA, iPath had to be migrated to a new provider (PAICON; https://paicon.com/). All groups were informed by iPath gGmbH by e-mail about this change of provider and agreed to the transfer of their data. The transfer will be accompanied by an update by PAICON, free of charge for iPath, which corresponds to a complete reprogramming of the platform and will provide it with numerous new functionalities (iPath 4.0). Unfortunately, the old iPath version is no longer compatible with the new version. For this reason, the existing data cannot be transferred to the new system (iPath 4.0). After the migration, PAICON will try keeping the old data accessible on the PAICON server in their previous form to ensure working as usual. However, this cannot be guaranteed. Another consequence of the update is that all groups and users willing to use iPath3.0 must re-register on the PAICON server. The old usernames and passwords cannot be transferred for data protection reasons. The new access codes must comply with the PAICON specifications. Instructions will be published on the homepage ((https://www.ipathnetwork.org;) as soon as the transfer has been completed. The moderators of all groups will then be informed by e-mail.
Future of iPath
To find out more information about the further development of iPath, contact the following email addresses. Best regards Monika Hubler adam@pathologie-ingolstadt.de peter.fritz23@arcor.de