External case: 47 yrs woman with lymphadenopathy (the groin and thigh) and without B symptoms. There are any signs of lymphocytosis in peripheral blood and known extranodal lessions.
HE: Diffuse proliferations of small- medium clear cells with slightly irregular nuclei. There is some septation in l/n with very strange clear and spindle cells surrounding it (photos No.2,3,7). IH: Ki67 prolif. activity 20% (esp. fraction of larger cells); CD20 (+) 100%, CD3/CD10/Bcl6/CD5/CD34/TdT/MPO(-), Bcl 2(+) 100%, CD23(+)30%(esp. fraction of larger cells), CD43 (++) population > CD3+, Mum1(-) (single cells +), IgM(+)>>IgD(+). The scattered CD138+ plasma cells, CD30+ activated cells CD15-, single CD117+ mastocytes. The prominent "interstitial" T admixture: CD3/CD2+ (CD4+ ~ CD8+). CD68+ or S100 "interstitial" network of macrophages with S100+ dendritic cells. CD21/CD23+ FDC network is absent. QUESTION/PROPOSAL: B low grade NHL, most compatible with diagnosis of B marginal zone lymphoma? Annotations
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Last modified: 2006-01-13 09:32:13