54 yrs lady with biopsied "MALToma". Case resent to hemato for reevaluation.
CLINICAL HISTORY: 2013 radical resection of cervical squamous carcinoma with lymphonodectomy. Gastric PALPABLE pyloric circular tumor with sonoscopically detected spread into anterior abdominal wall with hepatic hilar lymphadenopathy. PB: isolated anemia. No generalized lymphadenopathy present. HISTO: bicomponent DLBCL in gastric mucosa: component A more interglandular DIFFUSE, component B more solid and NODULAR. IH: complettelly divergent: SUMMARY: (nonGCB/ABC): EBER(-); CD20+; CD30+; Mum1/Bcl6/lmo2/GCET1/FoxP1+; CMYC+; CD5/Bcl2/CD10/CD138/CyclinD1(-); Ki67 prolif. index 70%. A: Mum1+; CD10(-); CD30+; Bcl6/LMO2(+/-); GCET1(-); FoxP1+; B: Mum1(-); CD10(-); CD30(-); Bcl6/LMO2+; GCET1+; FoxP1+; DIAGNOSIS: DLBCL, but probably biclonal? SPECIAL QUEST: Summarising DLBCL, ABC (by IH). But component A- pure ABC, B- more close to GCB. ThankYouALot.
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Last modified: 2018-12-03 12:50:06