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Recurrent hemolysis (1261231)
Recurrent hemolysisnew
Subtitle: Bone marrow
2021-06-06 08:18
Haematopathology Forum
Please fill in the information for the consultant, thank you!  
Patient:male 60 years  
Male or Female: male  
Age: 60  
Clinical information:This is a case I am sharing of 60 yrs old man with history of recurrent hemolytic like attacck with decreased Hb and increased billirobins.  
Question:giant cells like multi lobulated megakaryocytes
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2021-06-06 15:36
I see a hypercellular bone marrow with morphologic changes if the erythropoiesis well compatible with hemolysis and with myeloid maturational changes. The giant cells are indeed megakaryocytes, and they are unbreakable. I would recommend staining for CD34 and TdT to be sure not to be sure not to overlook blasts as well as comparison with the medication history to look for any explanation of the myeloid maturation abnormalities. A PNH clone should be excluded too. A should the bone marrow lymphocytes be studied for presence of subtle B-NHL clones (CD3,5,20,23,79a,cyclin D1).
Last modified: 2021-06-06 15:03:12