53 yrs male with threpine biopsy. For 2 yrs skin eruptions and cronic cough were present.
The blood count tested last friday shows a slight anemia (Hg - 12,6 g/dL), WBC and PLT normal (WBC - 6,65x10*9/L, PLT - 182x10*9/L). There is a slight increase of eosinophils 0,7 x10*9/L. Mast cell in a blood 0,9%.
tHE Bilirubin is slightly increased at 21 mkmol/l (<21), direct bilirubin - 5,3 mkmol/L (<6,5), indirect - 15,7 (<15,3). ALT (13 U/L) and AST (17 U/L) are normal. gammaGT - 50 U/L (< 36 U/L). Albumin is 46g/L.
No C findings.
Skin biopsy - normal, no mast cells. Erythema.
Serum triptase > 200.
The whole body CT shows no pathologic mass or fractures. Bone density performed by DEXa - normal.
The patient has with allergy associated symptoms as caught and skin erythema.
a) Cellularity 90%, subtotal difusse epithelioid medium sized (Giemsa+) eosinophilic and pale mastoytic infiltration with reniform nuclei.
Multiple atypical mastocytes in smear.
b) B lymphocytic aggregates and follicles.
MOLECS: C kit exon 17 D816V mutation in bone marrow is negative. (repeated twice).
FIP1L1/PDGFRA del4q12 is negative. TruSight myeloid sequencing did not show any mutation.
PROPOSAL: a) Systemic aggressive mastocytosis/ aleukemic mast cell leukemia: CD117+; CD2/CD25+ > CD68+; CD43+; CD30(-); Ki67 prolif. activity low <5%.
b) INCIDENTAL B SLL/CLL (or clonal lymphocytosis) in BM: p27+; CD5+ CD20+ > CD23+; IgM+ > IgD+; MNDA1/CyclinD1/CD43(-).