12 yo boy with neck lymphadenopathy, a lymph node about 2 x 3 cm taken. Smallish abdominal nodes along large vessels (up to 10 mm) and inguinal (up to 11 mm) and several small nodes at the biopsy site (up to 9 mm) are seen on US, CT and MRI. There is skin itching with excoriations (legs, mostly). Nothing special in lab tests except high titre of CMV IgG (IgM not elevated) and anti-TPO antibodies with preserved thyroid function. That's all. Histology shows interfollicular areas infiltrated by T-cells with phenotype CD8+, CD4 partly+, CD1a-, GranB partly+ and very variable Ki67, no CD30. There is no typical paracortical hyperplasia that could be related to CMV, no signs of dermatopathic lymphadenopathy. Areas with high proliferation look particularly suspicious. Thank you in advance! ADD INS: Molecular: no clone detected. EBER+ cells absent. HISTO: a) Some PTGC like zones appear with focal CD20+ B cell dispersion into interfollicular space; b) Voluminous nodular lesion area easilly visible on panoramic HE. Interfollicular T population seems to be CD4+CD8+ double, LOM2(-) with high Ki67 index. No T Ag loss. Some CD99+/- fade and CD30+ noise in PTGC areas. Despite visual appearance of "blastoid" T LPD, no definite proof of malignancy... We have no NOTCH there. A QUALITY (PROBABLY AND DNA) NOT SO OPTIMAL (hyperdehydrated).
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Last modified: 2018-05-01 10:00:00